lundi 12 mars 2012

Lunch with born

 no pics of the baby here...
New father Dance meets with old flame within 48 hours of daughter's birth
Dance was last week celebrating the latest addition to his family a 6lb 3oz daughter by his girlfriend of the past four years, painter and sculptress Eleanor Boorman, who is 26 years his junior.But yesterday, just six days after the baby was born, the Jewel In The Crown star was jetting off to South Africa on a work assignment. Indeed, he couldn’t be at the birth at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
Charles was filming,says Eleanor, ‘but he came down straight away. He has helped with the nursery and bought a plethora of lovely things.’
However, other new mothers might be less forgiving at the idea of the father of their baby taking another woman out within 48 hours of the birth.
For Dance, I can reveal, was spotted lunching with his former companion, French-born ex-Gucci model Shambhala Marthe, 36.
He and 6ft 2in tall Shambhala spent an hour at the Kalendar restaurant in Hampstead, North London, and afterwards drove off together in his car.
Meanwhile, Eleanor, who has named the baby Rose Otilie Aaryanna, tells me: ‘Mother and baby are doing very well. I am now in Cheltenham with the baby but I have met Shambhala in the past. No, she hasn’t seen the baby, who is absolutely gorgeous and a delight only Charles and my family have.’

at Layer Cake premiere in 2004
 Charles by Shambala
link to her work as a photographer :
or more here about her :
Pics of the lunch :

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